
Material TypeCheckout PeriodRenewable?FinesMaximum fine per item
Videos & DVDs7 daysyes50 cents/day$5.00
Short loan items2 weeksyes10 cents/day$5.00
Magazines2 weeksyesnonenone
Videogames2 weeksyesnonenone
Books4 weeksyesnonenone
Audiobooks4 weeksyesnonenone
Music CDs4 weeksyesnonenone
Puzzles4 weeksyesnonenone
Games4 weeksyesnonenone
ILL*  50 cents/day$5.00

If you have difficulty renewing or placing holds and want help identifying the problem, please contact the library.

  • Renewals do not apply if an item has a reserve. Renewal due dates are calculated from the date of the renewal, not the original due date. Renew online (on or before the due date) or at the library.
  • Short loans apply to books, audiobooks, and music CDs with reserves and are usually labeled; these will renew only if the reserve list has ended.
  • *Interlibrary loan (ILL) due dates and renewal availablity are determined by the owning library. If you anticipate needing to renew an ILL item, please contact the library before the due date.


  • Courtesy notices – will be e-mailed one day before items are due. This applies only to patrons with a current e-mail address on file or those who have requested text message notifications via Shoutbomb.
  • First overdue notices – may be sent by e-mail, text message, or U.S. Mail from the library that owns the overdue item. Scandinavia Public Libary and some other libraries in our consortium do not send first overdue notices by U.S. Mail. Retain your date due slip or check your account at to avoid fines. First overdue notices are generated M-F on library open days, 3 days after due date.
  • Second overdue notices-  may be sent by e-mail, text message, or U.S. Mail from the library that owns the overdue item. Scandinavia Public Libary and some other libraries in our consortium do not send first overdue notices by U.S. Mail. Retain your date due slip or check your account at to avoid fines. Second overdue notices are generated M-F on library open days,14 days after due date.
  • Bills – will be sent by U.S. Mail from the library that owns the long overdue item. Second overdue notices are generated M-F on library open days, 28 days after due date.
  • Adjusted bills – may be sent by U.S. Mail from the library that owns the long overdue item. Adjusted bills are generated M-F on library open days, when a billed item is returned. The bill is canceled and an adjusted bill is generated, reflecting the appropriate fine.


All items are due on the date indicated on the date due slip. Fines begin the day after the due date.


Resolved: In order to allow the OWLSnet consortium libraries to be good stewards of public funds and to facilitate the smooth functioning of the consortium,

The Scandinavia Public Library authorizes OWLSnet libraries to refer patrons accounts to collection when there are overdue materials either:

a) Owned by the Scandinavia Public Library or
b) Checked out at the Scandinavia Public Library

Furthermore, the Scandinavia Public Library Board authorizes the Scandinavia Public Library to refer to a collection agency patrons registered with the Scandinavia Public Library who have a billed item and owe more than $50.


  • Patrons may have 25 titles on reserve at a time.
  • There is an overall checkout limit of 75 items at a time, but only 25 may be music CDs and only 25 may be videos.
  • In order to use a library card, fines and bills must be below $5.00.
  • Items returned after the library closes will be checked in the next day the library is open.
  • The Scandinavia Public Library dropbox is empied at closing time each day the library is open.
  • Items may be returned to any public library in the OWLSnet consortium. Items left in library dropboxes are checked in based on the local library schedule.

Library cards are valid for one year from the date of issue.

Updated 10/11/2017 to include period library cards are valid.
Updated 6/1/2017 to reflect changes and OWLSnet consortium policies.